What's going on with JT? Watching the chronicles, it is all about positivity. I haven't I have to get back into my videos and and I know I've been falling off a little bit because. I've been doing therapy for like. Pain and all kinds of stuff. So I've been up and down and it's not easy to reset. I've had days man, I'm just like. No, I don't want to do it today, I don't. Wanna do this today? I don't wanna go to bed. They have to remember that. I was blessed today. I was given a gift today. To wake up. I gotta get back up. I get back on my grind I gotta get back on on my routine and that's what helps me being on a routine. When I get on every. Teen I see more things happen for me. And I I avoid certain things, I avoid certain people I I avoid, you know. Looking at too much social media and stuff like that and it puts me in such a better place. Man it's like but I have those days and it just it just brings me down and I and I have that. Well my car my. Car just stopped up the earthquake. But yeah, getting getting myself back on it, you know that routine helped me so much. I think we all need a routine. It kind of helps steer us and and I I learned a while ago and after you know and reset myself when you're focusing too much on you know. Of the negative things and want to like share that negativity? All you do. Is just follow right into it. You know what I mean? So all the energy you spend on telling somebody else how bad they are or or did you hear about so and so? Or what about this one about that? Like all the energy you could be using for yourself? Oh my God, how far could you go? How much further could you go if you actually just took some of that same energy and put it on yourself and developing yourself? That's what I do. I had to do that and I gotta reset my fall. Trust me I fall I fall I. Fall and get back up. And I feel good. And then I fall again. I fall again I. Fall again and I get back up. But I love it because I'm not going. To give up, so don't give up. To get all. That negative stuff over there don't carry that stuff. Don't carry that that that hate away all that stuff and you don't need it. You don't deserve it. You have another day. I love you man. Let me know what you feel. Let me know. How you're feeling today alright? I love you. Share this with somebody because they might need it. You might need it. Save it one love one saving one community. Love this video like. This video share this video. Keep following subscribe to my page. Subscribe to my YouTube page. Follow me on social media more to come in big things happening JT Chronicles