It has been one week since Tori and Stephanie got an episode out the door, and they have a few things to catch up on.
Coffee lid caramel gets the sticky situation started as Tori struggles, and Stephanie laughs.
They wrap up the 4th of July chatter with beach idiots.
"What's Roasting"
-The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy has tips to avoid being a shark snack.
-Travis Barker
-Noah Cyrus
-Sara Levy and Niki Hilton
-Miles Teller
Get Perky with us Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
#thefirstshotmorningshow #lemonadio #listenhappier #coffee #caffeinequeens #whatsroasting #getperky #thedrip #sharks #milesteller #saralevy #noahcyrus #Kravis #Aerosmith #Atlanticwhitesharkconservancy